Chinese people are being introduced to a scheme that monitors their behaviour, scores them, and doles out punishments and rewards.
For a Thousand Bucks, You Can Get the First Non-Dorky Smart Glasses
They’re not quite spy glasses, but they can call an Uber and text your pals.
Source: For a Thousand Bucks, You Can Get the First Non-Dorky Smart Glasses
Under “Thriller” Finalists at
It’s Alive! Scientists Create ‘Artificial Life’ on a Quantum Computer | Digital Trends
No, this isn’t something from a Michael Crichton techno-thriller: Scientists really have created simulated ‘artificial life’ on a quantum computer for the first time ever. And that’s kind of a big deal — because they hope it might just help decipher the origins of life.
Source: It’s Alive! Scientists Create ‘Artificial Life’ on a Quantum Computer | Digital Trends
Coming Soon… An aquaponics farm near you. Just like the story!
Revolution Farms is the farm of the future. We provide local, sustainable, year-round produce through aquaponics.
Source: Coming Soon
Facebook is weaponizing security to erode privacy
At a Senate hearing this week in which US lawmakers quizzed tech giants on how they should go about drawing up comprehensive Federal consumer privacy protection legislation, Apple’s VP of software technology described privacy as a “core value” for the company. “We want your device to know everything about you but we don’t think we should,” Bud […]
In a Shift, Apple and Amazon Say They Are in Favor of Federal Privacy Regulation
Aadhaar a Mass Surveillance System in Today’s Time: Snowden
Source: The Quint
Former US Intelligence contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden said that the privacy of Indians has time and again been compromised by UIDAI’s Aadhaar scheme – a massive mass surveillance system – while speaking via video conference, at the Vox Media Foundation’s annual media festival ‘Talk Journalism 2018’, on 11 August in Jaipur.
People are buying ‘dumbphones’ so they can disconnect from technology
Sales of “dumbphones” are on the rise as consumers increasingly seek ways to disconnect from the technology so many of us rely upon for work and everyday life. Handsets that are not connected to the internet and only allow the user to make calls and send texts are becoming increasingly popular, with sales having increased by as much as 5 per cent last year. In contrast, smartphone sales rose by just 2 per cent.
Source: People are buying ‘dumbphones’ so they can disconnect from technology