Best Screenplay!
Splash Bulletin!
IMAGINE, hacking has gotten so bad the U.N. implements a global artificial intelligence to supervise all web traffic.
FEAR, a scheming tech mogul who wants to link the artificial intelligence to his implantable bio-metric wafers.
LOATH, a power hungry politician who wants to associate his perverse sense of meaning in life with the public’s acceptance of the wafers.
HOPE, for a young web developer smart enough to challenge them before we all become web-tethered proselytes .
Meet the author!
“Tantalum Mass sprang right out of the work I do as a tech attorney. What value do we have in life beyond our ‘information’ ? Where do we draw the sacred line of privacy? As the internet tsunami washes over us will it rob us of the right to find meaning for ourselves? In the face of increased monitoring and control are there any circumstances where hacking might be considered a good thing? ”
– David Garrett